28 January, 2022
Participation and commitment of the educational community of EFA Piñeiral in the thematic exhibition promoting sustainable development

The thematic exhibition “2030 Goal: EFAS for Sustainable Development”, organised by Social Promotion Foundation, in the framework of the education for development activity of the agreements financed by AECID in Ethiopia and Palestine, on its way through the Family Farming School (EFA) El Piñeiral, manages to arouse the interest and participation of students and teaching staff.

The exhibition was inaugurated in Piñeiral in December, and will visit EFAs in Badajoz, Valencia, Zaragoza, Granada and Ciudad Real over the next few months.

The role of the project’s “Driving Group”, a small group of pupils, has been very important. During the previous months, they have studied in depth aspects related to the 2030 Agenda, the SDGs and the work of the Foundation within the framework of the agreements, using the teaching resources published on the “GOAL 2030: EFAs FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” Portal.

The Piñeiral driving group visited the exhibition and, with the help of the didactic guide, reflected personally and collectively on the challenges posed by the SDGs shown on the main panel. They then exchanged and shared ideas, recommendations and initiatives to address them.

On Thursday 20th this group of pupils and students, who have been more directly involved in the project, explained the exhibition and presented their work. They also led the brainstorming of the challenges posed by the SDGs.

The personal, school or local initiatives that they proposed in order to achieve the SDGs, as a result of this reflection, were written on post-it notes that they stuck on the blank spaces provided on the exhibition panels.

For the presentation to the rest of the students of the exhibition and the work done last year, they used a power point document.

More than 100 students from EFA Piñeiral (early childhood education, sales management, marketing and advertising and auxiliary nursing care) visited the exhibition with their teachers.

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