Lines of Activity:
Cooperation for Development
Agricultural development
Project Status
Local Partner:
Farmer School of Education and Health (ESCAES), Farmer School of Education and Health (ESCAES)
Start date:
End date:
1.195 personas, 1195 people
Regional Government of Valencia
Contribute to the improvement of resilience and capacity building, promoting sustainable rural development with gender equity in the vulnerable rural communities of the Chipuluc micro-watershed (Cutervo, Peru).

The project aims to promote access to the right to adequate and sustainable food for the rural population of 10 communities (Cajerón, Chipuluc, El Arenal, La Paccha, Llipa, El Verde, San Lorenzo, Santa Rosa de Tapo, Tuyo Tuyo and Yangachis) in the Chipuluc micro-watershed (department of Cajamarca, Peru).

To this end, sustainable agricultural and rural development actions will be implemented, aimed at providing productive resources, increasing productivity, promoting participation in economic policy decision-making at the local level, especially of women, and conserving and protecting the natural resources of the micro-basin environment.

The programme also emphasises gender equality, a holistic and sustainable environmental approach to resources, and the promotion of consultation and participation of the target groups.

Expected results focus on:

  • Increase the availability of food for the vulnerable population of 10 communities in the Chipuluc micro-watershed, through access to training resources and sustainable agricultural and livestock production.
  • Improve the capacity of the 10 rural communities to manage their natural resources sustainably.
  • Strengthen the organisational, participatory and management capacities of the different actors involved in the intervention (rights holders, responsibility holders and duty bearers) in order to guarantee the right to food of the vulnerable population of the 10 communities of the Chipuluc micro-watershed.
  • Promote women’s equal access to productive resources and income-generating opportunities and contribute to removing obstacles to this.

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