26 November, 2020
Social Promotion participates in the virtual forum organised by REDI on Corporate Social Responsibility and NGOs

On 25 November, Social Promotion Foundation, together with Latin American civil society organisations, had the opportunity to reflect on “Corporate social responsibility and NGOs” in the virtual forum organised by the Association Network of NGOs for Development of Iberian Countries (REDI) for its members and friend organisations.

The meeting, led by Monica Rios, REDI’s General Secretary, dealt with aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of interest to social organisations, such as

  • CSR: limits and challenges.
  • Leadership and the management function in CSR.
  • Strategies for interaction between companies and NGOs.

The meeting began with an analysis of the current situation of CSR, how and what are the causes for its growing implementation not only in the business sphere, but also in other sectors, such as education or government, its definition, foundations, challenges and limits.

Next, the importance of CSR being assumed by the whole company through the management team was stressed, as well as the necessary provisions to achieve an effective leadership, such as solidarity, subsidiarity and having as an ultimate goal the integral development of people.

It also became clear that the relations between the company and the NGOs are based on a “win-win”, in which both seek to have a greater social impact and better results if they act jointly and in a coordinated manner. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the possible reasons that could motivate a company’s relationship with an NGO, such as identification in the mission or audience to which both are addressed, and the types of collaboration that could arise: direct financing of the company or its workers, volunteering or dissemination.

Finally, some key aspects were reviewed so that partnerships with companies can progress: adopting a position of equality, offering an interesting and valuable project, with the attitude of building something together, and being very clear and sincere about the concessions that are being made and the benefits that are being sought. It is necessary to define the starting positions, be rigorous in the processes and have an open and humble attitude.

At the end there was space for open dialogue and exchange of ideas, comments and suggestions between the participating organizations, to continue sharing knowledge and experience.

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