Despite being a country with a high Human Development Index, Jordan has several shortcomings, especially in its healthcare system, which has become even more compromised in recent years. The Syrian refugee crisis, coupled with the pandemic, has hindered the response...
Venezuela is currently a country in crisis, the immediate consequence of which has been the sudden increase in poverty, due to the shortage of foodstuffs and medicines, and the impossibility of acquiring them because of their high cost due to hyperinflation. Other...
The intervention aims to empower women to become autonomous and resilient in the face of crises such as COVID19, providing them with resources to get out of the situation of vulnerability and poverty, as well as to combat possible situations of violence. To this end,...
In close collaboration with our local partner, Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees (PARC), this project aims to alleviate the suffering of people in situation of poverty and vulnerability, ensuring a rapid response and providing some relief aginst the food...
As of mid-August 2019, according to UNHCR data, the Lebanese central government has dismantled 2,396 Syrian refugee homes in the municipality of Arsal, in Lebanon, which could have a profound impact on the vulnerabilities and mental health of the affected population,...
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