15 February, 2024
International Seminar “Decent work and economic growth in the Middle East: challenges and opportunities”

The Social Promotion Foundation, through its Center for Middle East Studies (CEMO) and its Women and Equality Observatory (OMEI), organizes the international Seminar ‘Decent work and economic growth in the Middle East: challenges and opportunities‘ next Wednesday 6 March, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:45 p.m., at Casa Arabe (C/Alcalá, 62. Madrid). This seminar is framed as a parallel event to CSW68, focused on the priority theme “Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening gender-responsive institutions and financing.” ». 

The main objective of the Seminar is to explore the current state of the human right to decent work and economic growth in the Middle East, as well as the fulfillment of the goals established by Sustainable Development Goal 8 (promotion of inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all) in this region 

Through the dialogue, shared experience and knowledge of the various speakers and participants in the Seminar (representatives of public administrations, civil society organizations, international organizations, the educational sector and the private sector), this human right will be analyzed, considering the gender perspective, and its relationship with other economic, social and cultural rights. These include the right to fair and equitable wages, safe and healthy working conditions, equal opportunities and non-discrimination at work, and social protection. 

Specifically, these issues will be addressed in the specific cases of Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt, paying special attention to vulnerable populations, such as women, young people, refugees/displaced people, people with disabilities and/or people in rural areas. 

In this sense, it is worth noting that the work carried out by Spanish Cooperation in favor of decent work and economic growth in these countries will also be made known, presenting the transformative power of SDG 8 in the lives of these vulnerable people thanks to interventions from development cooperation that promote sustainable development and social justice. 

The Seminar is organized in collaboration with the Euro-Arab Network of NGOs for Development and Integration (READI) and is financed by the State Secretariat for Foreign and Global Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation. 

The official languages ​​of the seminar will be Spanish and English. The sessions will have simultaneous translation in both languages. 

S.R.C.: Participation in the seminar is free until capacity is reached, upon registration at this link: https://forms.gle/JY6nndsdsC8oJTiW7 

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