“The explosion of August 4th has devastated half of Beirut, affecting especially the Christian area, in a moment of crisis and hyperinflation and in a COVID-19 context” comments the President of the Foundation at a Stand Together meeting

“The explosion of August 4th has devastated half of Beirut, affecting especially the Christian area, in a moment of crisis and hyperinflation and in a COVID-19 context” comments the President of the Foundation at a Stand Together meeting

The meeting via ZOOM “Lebanon: Life on the edge” with the Social Promotion Foundation’s President Jumana Trad took place on Wednesday 23 September, and was organised by Stand Together in Rome. During the meeting, moderated by Antonio Olivié, CEO of Rome...
Jumana Trad gives visibility to the Social Promotion Foundation’s work with Syrian refugees in the region at an event organized by the Beirut Cosmopolitan Rotary Club

Jumana Trad gives visibility to the Social Promotion Foundation’s work with Syrian refugees in the region at an event organized by the Beirut Cosmopolitan Rotary Club

On March 26, the Rotary Club Beirut Cosmopolitan had the presence of the Ambassador of Spain in Lebanon José María Ferre de la Peña and the President of the Trad Juventud Social Promotion Foundation, as guest speakers. In his remarks, the ambassador gave an overview...