The Foundation has collaborated in the organisation of the webinar: “LEBANON ONE YEAR AFTER THE GREAT EXPLOSION. BACKGROUND, CHALLENGES, PERSPECTIVES” which took place today morning. This webinar has featured exceptional guests whose testimonies have...
The topic of the session was supposed to be “non-violent communication” but because the parents are going through difficult times due to the pandemic and, more importantly, the economic crisis that started back in October 2019, and left the majority of...
For yet another year, Social Promotion joins in the celebration of this World Refugee Day and makes it its own to commemorate the strength, courage and perseverance, and to show its support for all those who have been forced to flee their homes in order to save their...
On February 26, 2021 and in the framework of the «Educating for Peace » Project in Lebanon, funded by the Mondo Unito Foundation, 15 students from Paradis D´Enfants school along with 10 students from Byakout public school, aged between 11 & 12 years old and coming...
The project, funded by the Mondo Unito Foundation, aims to prevent violence, foster cultural pluralism and promote civic education in Lebanon through conflict resolution work with students, teachers and parents in schools. One of the specific objectives of the project...
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