On International Water Day we underline the need to strengthen the resilience and access to water of the population in the Somali region (Ethiopia) and in Gaza and the West Bank (Palestine) where we work

On International Water Day we underline the need to strengthen the resilience and access to water of the population in the Somali region (Ethiopia) and in Gaza and the West Bank (Palestine) where we work

We celebrate the “International Water Day”, whose theme and motto chosen for this year is “groundwater, making the invisible visible”. In Ethiopia, and especially in the Somali region, where we are working on the implementation of an agreement with funding from AECID,...
The Foundation promotes the exchange of good practices and dialogue between young people who participate in two projects in which they reflect on the 2030 Agenda and its major challenges

The Foundation promotes the exchange of good practices and dialogue between young people who participate in two projects in which they reflect on the 2030 Agenda and its major challenges

On February 16, the Social Promotion Foundation organized a meeting between EFA Piñeiral students who participate in our development education project  “GOAL 2030: EFAs FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” within the framework of the agreements financed by AECID that we...