16 April, 2015
The last quarterly OFID report includes the project carried out together with FPSC in Mauritania, which was aimed to improve primary education in the country

In 2006, FPSC and The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) started a project with the objective of improving the infrastructures and the quality of the primary education system in two districts of Mauritania: R’Kiiz and Ouadane.
The actions carried out in order to get to the core of the target can be reached in the last quarterly report of OFID. Among them, as general strategic lines, the improvement of the educational infrastructures, continuous training programs for the teachers, awareness activities and literacy courses for adults, are to highlight.

This project, which finished in 2008, has had an important impact on the beneficiary population, who participated actively during every activity.

See more at OFID’s Quarterly Report (pages 15-17)

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