More than a year has passed since the beginning of the project “Empowering indigenous women in Guatemala through technical and business training oriented to self employment”, co-financed by OFID, which the FPSC develops in the regions of Sololá and...
The FPSC participates in the International Congress: “Perspectives for the Service of Integral Human Development: 50 years of the encyclical Populorum Progressio”, which is being held in the Vatican on April 3 and 4, 2017. On the occasion of the 50th...
On April 4, the foundation participated in the XI edition of IEB Solidario. This solidarity event is celebrated annually and brings together at IEB headquarters some thirty Foundations and NGOs with the aim of publicizing the social work they carry out, their projects...
The project “Improvement of the access to water resources of Palestinian farmers through the improvement of the human resources of the water plants in the West Bank”, has recently finished, it was funded by the AECID, and it has been developed by the FPSC...
On March 16, we received the visit of Rania Haddadin, Jordanian, Deputy Secretary General and Head of International Affairs of the political party to which she belongs, National Union of Jordan, and a referent of civil society in her country. The visit is part of a...