On March 22, the World Water Day is celebrated all over the world. Guaranteeing the availability of water and its sustainable management and sanitation for all, Sustainable Development Goal 6, is an essential human right for the realization of all human rights. The...
Basema Shawahneh is the head of the Kufur Thult women cooperative located in the Qalquiliya Governorate (northwestern West Bank), created within the 4-year Agreement on “Sustainable and equitable rural development in the West Bank including the start and use of...
On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, celebrated all around the world on the 8th March, we publish the interview made to Mrs. Nadia Harb, a woman rights and gender equality activist who has supported a variety of initiatives to empower Palestinian rural...
The project financed by the Fondazione Terzo Pilastro – Italia e Mediterraneo, and implemented with our local partner PRODES, includes a wide vocational training program. Among the holders of rights participating in the project we find the case of Randa Zaarour,...
The Social Promotion project financed by the Generalitat Valenciana in Nekemte, in the Region of Oromiya, “Integrated rural development with an environmental and gender approach in East Wellega (Ethiopia)” pursues the development in rural Ethiopia in the...
The joint work organized in associations improves the living conditions of 180 families of small agricultural and livestock producers in the Guineamayo micro watershed (Cajamarca) in Peru. For more than three years, the Social Promotion Foundation project, implemented...
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