26 March, 2015
During the month of March the FPSC activity Education for Development in Carabanchel Alto and Alcorcón is intensified is intensified

From the 10th till the end of the month the photographic exhibition “The humanitarian crisis in the Middle East in pictures: Disability in the foreground” organized by the FPSC was open to the public, at the Youth Center of Carabanchel Alto.

This exhibition, which was already organized in the Arab House in Madrid for a general audience, is addressed this time to an audience of young people between 14 and 28, of different nationalities who live in the district.

The aim is to bring and publicize the reality of people with disabilities, victims of the humanitarian crisis caused by the conflict in Syria.

The exhibition includes graphic materials, photographs and one audiovisual, among which you can count dozens of photographs and one audiovisual whose protagonists are disabled in the Middle East.

On Tuesday 17 March, a team from the FPSC organized an activity with the young people in that Youth Centre consisting of a guided tour of the exhibition, promoting dialogue and active involvement with our team, where in addition to an approach to the precarious reality of people with disabilities in these areas of conflict, they could, spontaneously leave their messages of encouragement and hope, drawing or writing their thoughts on posters prepared for this event and which will be delivered in the  FPSC clinic in the refugee camp Zaatri.

The show has been very well received and there have been many anecdotes with the district youth, such as Ishmael, son of Syrian parents, with part of the family in Syria, left a very heartfelt note in the poster for the refugees, many Arab youths left their messages in Arabic so that refugees could understand them without intermediation, and in the Italian lesson, that afternoon, the students spoke among themselves about the exhibition.

On March 24, the president of the Foundation participated in a meeting with students from the School Fuenllana in Alcorcón, young people from 13-16 years old.

The presentation was held at the school Aula Magna with a full house.

The intervention of Jumana Trad was divided into two parts on the one hand, after an introduction on the FPSC, she stopped to talk about the activity in the field of cooperation, particularly in the Middle East, and then about a humanitarian aid activity that the FPSC develops in the whole area, focusing on the conflict in Syria and Iraq and the situation of Syrian refugees and persecuted Christians in Iraq as a result thereof.

After her words a debate was open with a high participation of the students, who were very concerned about the situation and showed their interest on how they could help.

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