El pasado 19 de abril, la Fundación Promoción Social participó en la XVI Edición del Foro IEB Solidario. Este evento se celebra con carácter anual y reúne a Fundaciones y ONG con el objetivo de dar a conocer a los de 400 alumnos del IEB la labor social que realizan y...
On April 3, the Foundation participated in the XIII edition of the IEB Solidario. This solidarity event is held on an annual basis and brings together at the IEB headquarters about thirty foundations and NGOs with the aim of publicizing the social work they do, their...
Last April 18 Social Promotion Foundation participated in the XII Edition of the IEB Solidario. Social Promotion Foundation participates for years in this annual meeting that IEB organizes with foundations and NGOs, with the aim of making known to students and alumni...
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