25 November, 2023
A guide to preventing violence against women in the Jordanian workplace

On November 25, the United Nations celebrates the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. From the Social Promotion Foundation we reiterate our commitment to women by joining this commemoration and the call for the need to fight against any form of violence that can be exerted on women and girls around the world.

Currently, violence against women and girls is one of the most common and widespread human rights violations. In fact, it is a serious problem that, in recent years, has intensified and manifested itself in different environments such as, for example, the workplace.

At The Foundation, we work in various parts of the world developing projects whose purpose and foundation is to guarantee that women can live and work with dignity in safe environments free of any form of physical or psychological violence. In this sense, prevention and awareness are key.

As a clear example of this commitment, today we highlight the ‘Guide for private sector employers in creating a safe work environment for the participation of women in the labor market’ that we have recently prepared for Jordan as an initiative of the Project that we carry out together with The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD), and with the financial support of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). This guide is available in English and Arabic.

This pioneering Project aims to promote gender equality, inclusive economic growth and the creation of safe and equitable work environments for women, while trying to respond to the urgent need to break down the barriers that limit full participation of women in the Jordanian labor market. The document includes, as a preamble, inspiring success stories of Jordanian women that exemplify how a safe work environment can enhance individual and organizational growth, while demonstrating how female participation can also lead to business success.

Thus, the Guide also highlights several crucial aspects to promote the full and safe inclusion of women in companies, such as the recognition of the strategic role of women in work environments, addressing the costs of discrimination, business commitment with gender equality, or government support and international guarantees to protect women’s rights. Likewise, it examines the legislative framework and the rights of workers to guarantee a safe work environment and address the current challenges and opportunities for improvement that are observed in this area.

Furthermore, like every year, with the celebration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the ’16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence’ campaign begins. This initiative, which ends on Human Rights Day (December 10), has as its theme this year the need to raise awareness and invest in the prevention of violence against women and girls.

As part of this campaign, we will present this Guide in the Jordanian cities of Irbid (November 27) and Mafraq (November 30). To this end, two brochures have been prepared in English and Arabic that summarize the key information of the Guide and will be distributed among participants.

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