22 October, 2024
We presented our work in Palestine to university students and the General Management of Cooperation of the Generalitat Valenciana

Sergio Marín, project technician for our Foundation in Palestine, visited Valencia on October 21 and 22 to participate in several activities related to the work we carry out in this region.

On the first day, Sergio led several awareness-raising sessions related to the project we are developing in Jenin in collaboration with RWDS and with the financial support of the Generalitat Valenciana. Thus, students of the double degree in Law and Business Administration and the Master in Cooperation of the University of Valencia and the Degree in International Relations of the European University of Valencia, have been able to learn first-hand how we work to strengthen the platform of women’s cooperatives in the Jenin governorate.

With Sergio’s help and his experience as a volunteer in Palestine, the young people have been able to reflect on the reality of these women and the opportunity that it represents for them to be able to access training and support that enables them to improve their socioeconomic situation and prospects. These sessions have also served to give them a first-hand look at what volunteer work is like and what role they play in the execution of development cooperation and humanitarian aid projects.

In addition, these students have learned about other activities that we carry out in this region, such as the agreement with which we promote green agriculture, the project with which we support youth employment in East Jerusalem (both financed by the AECID), or the humanitarian aid initiative, financed by the Community of Madrid, with which we work to strengthen the resilience of Palestinian women who are experiencing a chronic humanitarian crisis in the West Bank.

As a final touch to his stay in Valencia, Sergio also met with the General Management of Cooperation of the Generalitat Valenciana. This meeting was a great opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to collaboration with this institution and to continue working together.

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