On April 3, the new Caritas Italy and FOCSIV fundraising campaign “La Pace va oltre” (“Peace goes beyond”) was launched in Italy and will end next December with 21 actions in favour of the new generations in the Middle East region, from Jordan...
ROSSELLA MIRANDA. Delegate of the Social Promotion Foundation in Italy Can satire go so far as to offend religious sentiment? Is there a right to blasphemy? Two values are at stake: the free expression of thought and respect for religious faiths. It is...
The Committee “Journalism and Religious Traditions” (Rome, Italy) organizes the Course “The Great Religious Traditions” from February 12 to March 25 that will address in-depth, on different days during that period, topics such as religions and...
He was a correspondent in Teheran (1994-1997 and 2001-2011), Tokyo (1997-2001) and Beirut (2011-2018). He wrote ‘Iran beyond Iran’. Realidades y mitos de un país visto desde dentro’ (2016, second edition expanded and updated in 2017) and...