From the Social Promotion Foundation, on the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, we join the objective of contributing to raising awareness and directing efforts to eliminate this practice. “Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) remains a...
Taking advantage of the assistance of the Senior Director of programs of the Technical Office of Spanish Cooperation to the seminar of launching the Agreement, on October 18 a visit was made to one of the 17 municipalities where the activities of the Agreement have...
Every 5th of June, since 1974, and designated by the United Nations, World Environment Day is celebrated, with the aim of raising public awareness and calling to action on a particularly pressing environmental issue. In 2019, this day is dedicated to “Beat Air...
The Social Promotion Foundation has been working in the Oromiya Region (Ethiopia) for one year in the project “Integrated rural development with an environmental and gender approach in East Wellega (Oromiya)” implemented with the local partner Ethiopian...
In Oromya (Ethiopia), the main sources of water, traditionally unprotected, are shared by wild animals, livestock and people, with the consequent risk of being infected by gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, Social Promotion, with the financial support of AUARA, has...
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